Former Saints running back describes Smith shooting

NEW ORLEANS (AP) Former New Orleans Saints running back Pierre Thomas told a jury Wednesday that he thought a heated argument between retired Saints star Will Smith and an irate driver had cooled - but then he heard gunshots and turned to see his friend being gunned down.
''After the shooting stopped I stood there in shock. Telling myself that didn't happen,'' Thomas said, his voice shaking. ''Telling myself he didn't just kill one of my friends, my former teammate.''
Thomas, who spent eight seasons with the Saints, said he walked up to the SUV to confirm his fear, and peered through the passenger window to see Smith's body slouched over the steering wheel.
Nobody disputes that Smith's killer was Cardell Hayes, 29, a former semi-pro football player and owner of a tow-truck business. At dispute in the second-degree murder trial is whether Hayes legitimately feared for his life in a post-collision confrontation with Smith and others.
He also wounded Smith's wife, Racquel, in the legs, before surrendering to police at the scene.
Thomas' testimony is the latest to bolster the prosecution's scenario of how the shooting unfolded: The Smiths were out for the evening with friends after a festival in the French Quarter, and were traveling in three different vehicles.
At one point, Smith's Mercedes SUV stopped short behind an orange Hummer, perhaps lightly striking it, before steering around it and continuing downtown. Moments later, the Hummer, driven by Hayes, rammed into the rear of Smith's vehicle, and both men got out to confront each other.
Prosecutors and their witnesses say Racquel had calmed her husband and the argument had subsided when Hayes fired, hitting her in the legs, followed by a bullet to Smith's side and seven more in his back.
In opening statements and cross examinations, defense attorneys John Fuller and Jay Daniels have questioned the credibility of prosecution witnesses while insisting that Hayes fired because he feared that Smith was returning to his vehicle to fetch his own gun.
The Hummer's crash into Smith's SUV, they suggested, was an accident that happened as Hayes was trying to report Smith's license plate number on a 911 call.
Fuller noted that Smith had been drinking at the festival, a bar and two restaurants earlier that night, but Thomas insisted that Smith showed no signs of being out of control, and resisted suggestions during cross examination that he was trying to burnish Smith's image.
''I want justice,'' he told Fuller at one point.
Thomas had been in a car that was ahead of the accident scene.
Another Smith family friend, Rebecca Dooley testified Wednesday that Hayes shouted taunts at the slain man's body, sounding ''evil'' and showing no remorse.
Dooley and her husband were riding with Smith and his wife when the Hummer slammed into them.
''They just both seemed angry: Will saying `You hit my car,' `Mr. Hayes saying, `You hit me first, then back and forth, back and forth,'' Dooley testified.
Dooley said her husband and Hayes' passenger also had words, and that the passenger took a swing at her husband. But she said no physical contact was made among any of those arguing, and she too thought tempers had calmed.
Then, she said: ''I see Mr. Hayes walking toward Will with a gun pointed at him. I hear shots fired. I see Will's body jolt.''
''Look at you now. You were showing off,'' Dooley quoted Hayes as saying over Smith's slumped body.
''It just sounded like there was no remorse - evil kind of sounding,'' Dooley testified.
Then, she said, ''I heard Mr. Hayes say, `Where's that white boy at?'''
''At that point I though he was looking for my husband,'' she said, but no other shots were fired.
Contradicting a developing defense narrative, Dooley and Thomas said they never heard Smith threaten to fetch a gun before he was shot.
Dooley's husband, Richard Hernandez, also took the stand Wednesday, and the defense pointed to inconsistencies in his testimony as well as a discrepancy between his account and what his wife apparently told police.
Fuller noted that Hernandez testified at one point that the drivers were calm after the accident but also said he pulled his shirt off, expecting a fight. Fuller also said that Dooley had told police that a passenger in Hayes' Hummer, Kevin O'Neal, tried to calm the situation down.
But Hernandez, who had argued with O'Neal at the scene, characterized O'Neal as aggressive.