Did Sheen buy L.T.'s Super Bowl ring?

Is it winning time, Sheen style?
Charlie Sheen, the bad boy himself, may be the buyer who paid $230,000 to purchase Lawrence Taylor's Super Bowl XXV ring at auction earlier this week. Taylor and his agent Mark Leipseiter were apparently informed Wednesday night that the former star of "Two and a Half Men" was the bidder who paid the hefty sum for the piece of bling. However, this hasn't been confirmed.
"The Dan Patrick Show" reached out to Sheen for confirmation, but the actor texted "no comment" in return.
Taylor had originally presented the ring to his son T.J. as a gift, but the younger Taylor decided to put it up for sale, which didn't bother his father.
The ring was sold online through SPC auctions. Current New York Giants defensive end Osi Umenyiora had offered to buy the ring back for Taylor as a gift if he picked up 500,000 Twitter followers, but that plan fell decidedly short.