Budweiser didn't pay for Manning's post-Super Bowl shout out

LOS ANGELES (AP) No, Anheuser-Busch didn't pay Peyton Manning to say he'd be drinking a lot of Budweiser after winning the Super Bowl.
The company's verified Twitter account said late Sunday, ''We didn't know the shout out was coming either, but we're glad it did.''
A-B marketing director Lisa Weser also tweeted, ''Budweiser did not pay Peyton Manning to mention Budweiser tonight.''
Then why use his precious seconds on the third-highest rated show in U.S. television history to call out a beer brand?
Beer Business Daily publisher Harry Schuhmacher tweeted out a possible answer: ''He owns a piece of a Bud distributorship.''
Manning also celebrated the win atop a float at Disneyland in Anaheim, California, on Monday.
A Disneyland spokeswoman didn't immediately respond to a question whether he was paid for the trip.