Broncos' coaching staff will use 'Moneyball' tactics this season

The Broncos' coaching booth will have a "Moneyball" feel during the Gary Kubiak era.
Newly-hired analytics director Mitch Tanney will be in Kubiak's headset this season, feeding the coach statistics that can help fuel decision-making in key situations.
"If we're moving the ball or we're doing formatting," Kubiak told the team's official website, "I've got Mitch with me because he's going to be on the headset."
Tanney will advise Kubiak on risk-reward ratios to improve his odds on fourth down. He'll also have input on goal line tries, and potentially, on point after attempts versus two-point tries.
Baseball has long since adopted analytics as a viable means of game and player evaluation. The movement is catching on in pro football and basketball, too.
But no other NFL team will use an analytics director like Denver does -- for now.