Aaron Hernandez's cousin wants conspiracy charge dismissed

FALL RIVER, Mass. -- A cousin of ex-New England Patriot Aaron Hernandez wants a conspiracy charge dismissed because her attorney says prosecutors didn't tell a Massachusetts grand jury that a key witness failed a lie detector test.
Tanya Singleton's attorney says in court filings that prosecutors withheld evidence that "undermined greatly" the credibility of Carlos Ortiz.
Ortiz has been charged, along with Hernandez, in the 2013 killing of Odin Lloyd. Both have pleaded not guilty to murder.
Singleton, of Bristol, Connecticut, has pleaded not guilty to conspiracy to commit accessory after the fact.
The court filings say Ortiz told a polygraph examiner that he saw Hernandez running back to the car after shots were fired and that Lloyd didn't return. The filings say Ortiz was told he failed parts of the test.