49ers and Santa Clara at odds over Levi's Stadium . . . Again

The San Francisco 49ers and the City of Santa Clara have been at odds since their partnership with Levi’s Stadium began. Squabbles during planning and construction have morphed into lawyers taking up arms on both sides as distrust continues to bloom.
The San Francisco 49ers and the City of Santa Clara have never truly gotten along. As Scott Herald of The Mercury News puts it, the two partners involved in Levi’s Stadium very much resemble a dysfunctional couple.
From squabbles over parking lots and soccer fields to, more recently, investigations into the handling of finances, this is a marriage that looks to be in trouble.
Not that their going to be headed in separate directions anytime soon — they’ve still got almost 4 decades together left in their contract.
That aside, the 49ers most recent move, a lawsuit asking a judge to sign a document stating that no breach of contract occurred and that the City of Santa Clara falsely accused the 49ers, will only go further to ingrain the distrust. The 49ers are not asking for monetary damages, but that does little to soften the tension.
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Both sides in this family feud are angry at each other, and likely will be for some time. Santa Clara mayor Lisa Gillmor, initially a supporter of the project as a city councilwoman, has now perhaps become the 49ers greatest enemy.
This marital spout is not one that will end anytime soon. If you like drama, keep your eye on Santa Clara.