11 most interesting things Tom Coughlin said at his farewell press conference

Former Giants coach Tom Coughlin officially stepped down on Tuesday, and the two-time Super Bowl winning coach had an emotional goodbye. Here are some of the best quotes from Coughlin's farewell press conference.
1 - "I'm more nervous about this press conference than anything I have done. I said yesterday it was not a sad day for (me and my family). ... this is a different situation for me."
2 - "Pat deserves all the credit in 2006 for... maneuvering that path" -- Coughlin on Giants Senior VP of communications Pat Hanlon, who he said facilitated his return in 2007, the year they won their first Super Bowl with Coughlin.
3 - "I want to thank Judy, my quarterback. Without her, the hub, the strength... It comes from knowing that what goes on at home is handled." -- Coughlin talking about his wife. Coughlin also directed a message to quarterback Eli Manning:
4 - "I don't follow social media, but what's going on (there) has kind of blown me away." -- Coughlin on the fans outpouring of support.
5 - "My contention is there is a higher ground. There is a greater purpose. And that purpose is team. ... Championships are won by teams that love one another."
6 - "We have an obligation to teach these young men the skills they need once their professional careers are over."
7 - "It is our duty to equip these men the virtues that last a lifetime. ... Not just winners on the field, but winners in life. You'd like these people for your next door neighbor. That's how important it is to me."
8 - "When our players come back to me and say 'coach, I love you' ... and they follow that up by saying they're better men... because of having been New York Giants."
9 - "I've got a stiff neck every day of my life... what the heck does that have to do with playing?"
10 - Coughlin confirmed FS1 NFL insider Mike Garafolo's report from Monday that if the right opportunity presents itself, he'd be willing to fill a head coaching vacancy:
11 - "Yeah, there's always regrets... if this was 7-9 I'd be in the (owners') office arguing like hell." -- Coughlin on if he had any regrets on leaving the Giants.
And if there was one way for Coughlin to leave a lasting impression on those around him, it's his five-minutes-early-or-your-late mantra. It seems like the everyone in the Giants organization from the top down lives by this: