Man used in Stephen Curry look-alike meme a cancer survivor

A man whose photograph was used in a Stephen Curry look-alike meme actually is a cancer survivor who fought back over “how distasteful and cruel people can be without background knowledge of the person in the bullseye of the target.”
Leon Mitchell, a 31-year-old from Tacoma, Wash., battled a rare form of throat and nose cancer and his appearance was drastically altered due to chemotherapy in 2005.
A photo of his gaunt appearance was callously utilized in a “Meth Curry” meme, likening the devastating effects the treatments had on his outward appearance to how the Golden State Warriors superstar might look had he developed a drug addiction.
The meme found its way back to Mitchell, who was rightfully offended. And despite being mocked and ridiculed over his understandable reaction, he took to Instagram and posted a defiant, courageous and touching message.
As noted in a New York Post story, Mitchell has begun to receive support on social media for his courageous defense of his dignity. At least that means something positive has emerged from such a disappointing story.
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