LeBron James steps off plane in Cleveland wearing 'Ultimate Warrior' shirt

After a stopover in Las Vegas where J.R. Smith lost his shirt, the Cavaliers' team plane arrived back in Cleveland around 12:00 p.m. local time on Monday to a jubilant crowd.
Here's a couple more looks at James' shirt, referencing a pretty popular former wrestler as well as the Western Conference champions the Cavs just vanquished.
LOVE THE SHIRT & HAT LEBRON IS WEARING Ultimate Warrior & ?☕️ ..... ??? pic.twitter.com/1XQOSPvXIu
— Aaron M. Pike, CPA (@AaronPikeCPA) June 20, 2016
@HOMAGE nice shirt LeBron pic.twitter.com/BG93lnf2TX
— BDubbs25 (@b_dubbs25) June 20, 2016
But wait -- there's more trolling. He's also wearing a "Kermit sipping tea" hat.
LeBron came off the plane wearing an Ultimate Warrior shirt and his Kermit sipping tea hat he's a legend forever pic.twitter.com/yD8l4TSMCb
— Jordan Zirm (@clevezirm) June 20, 2016
LeBron really wore a hat of kermit sipping tea last night?? LEGEND?? pic.twitter.com/30Eq4n2t58
— Sam Laird (@samcmlaird) June 20, 2016
Hey LeBron, how are you feeling right now?