Danny Green's favorite Game of Thrones character isn't a surprise
NBA players have a ton of down time in between games and practices. They travel all over the country and spend most of their nights in hotel rooms. It can be a little lonely, which is why TV shows are their best friend.
San Antonio Spurs guard Danny Green watches his fair share, and told the San Antonio Express-News all about it, including who his favorite Game of Thrones character is:
Green talks about several other shows and the entire interview is worth a read.
The man really loves his television, but will probably enjoy it even more once his three-point percentage is back up above 30 percent.
Who is your favorite character on Game of Thrones? Khaleesi. And I’m pretty sure it’s self explanatory (laughs). So do you like how her character is developing? It seems when she finally is ready to take the Iron Throne back, something happens. I think it’s going pretty well for the most part. I think she’s developed, from where she started, a pretty good pace. As you can see, it’s coming along with her kind of taking over, but I’m still waiting to see how it turns out with her dragons.