After Kobe's final All-Star Game, his kids want a photo — with Steph

Reigning MVP Stephen Curry knows a thing or two about being the offspring of an NBA player and interacting with your dad's coworkers. He got to hang out with basketball stars regularly when his dad Dell was in the league.
Now that he's a superstar, the younger Curry gets to return the favor — like after Sunday's 2016 NBA All-Star Game in Toronto, when Kobe Bryant's daughters made their dad snap a picture with the Golden State Warriors point guard:
"Steph, can you take a pic with my kids real quick?"
— Julie Phayer (@juliephayer) February 15, 2016
Yep, that Curry is pretty good with kids, as we've learned time and time again — although the young Romeo from last month asking to be Riley's Valentine probably came up empty on Sunday. Better luck next time, kid.
As for Bryant, we're guessing he took plenty of pictures with his family throughout the weekend, and he looked happy to be snapping this photo. Still, it's pretty great to see that even the kids of basketball legends love Steph Curry.