LeBron James downplays talk of him leading boycott because of Sterling

MIAMI -- LeBron James shot down reports he would lead a players' boycott next season if Donald Sterling remained owner of the Los Angeles Clippers.
"At the end of the day as players, we see what (NBA commissioner) Adam Silver is doing, and he's moving forward," James said Wednesday before the Miami Heat played the Brooklyn Nets in Game 5 of the Eastern Conference semifinals.
"If he continues, which we believe in Adam Silver will do, continue to move aggressively on the situation, then as players we have nothing to worry about."
During an interview earlier in the week, former Heat player and current NBA Players Association vice president Roger Mason Jr. said he recently spoke with James about refusing to play if Sterling wasn't removed as Clippers owner before next season.
Sterling was barred from the NBA last month after making racially insensitive comments directed toward current black players and Hall of Famer Magic Johnson.
"Obviously, we don't know what's going to happen," James said. "We know what we want to happen but the legal system can be a pain. So, we'll see."
On Wednesday, Mason backtracked from his earlier statements by posting on his personal Twitter account: "My bad if I was not clear LBJ (James) never said anything about boycotting. He's a friend and I would never want to imply something he didn't say."
James refused to criticize Mason.
"Roger comes in here, we speak about issues," James said. "I believe that issue came up but as a team we never discussed it. Roger is a great guy. I don't have a problem with him at all."
James expressed frustration at the timing of the Donald Sterling controversy.
"It sucks for all of us, for the whole league throughout these great playoffs that we have to focus on something that has nothing to do with the guys out there playing, coaching and reffing," he said. "I have no idea if Donald Sterling put on a basketball uniform in his life."
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