For Cavs, a happy 2015 is still plenty doable

Five things to know about the Cavaliers as we enter the New Year:
1. Not everyone has to like the coach.
You've read the reports. They say there's friction between David Blatt and the players. They say Blatt and LeBron James are at odds. They say Blatt doesn't have the support of the same front office or ownership that hired him, that Blatt has no one "in his corner."
All of that may be true to a degree. And none of it is. Look, kids. This is America. If you like your boss, you're one of the lucky ones. It's why they pay you to do it. It's why it's called a job. Not everyone likes their boss -- and not everyone has to like Blatt. All the Cavs need to do is trust him. This meaningless story has been so overblown it's laughable. Or disturbing; take your pick.
2. Kevin Love needs to step it up.
The Cavs' new power forward has rarely been the same star of the past. There's a reason these guys want to get out of losing situations like Minnesota, as Love did. It's because they're not good enough to lead a team to wins. So they blame the organization, as opposed to looking in the mirror (Carmelo Anthony, anyone?).
Love has occasionally been brilliant since coming to Cleveland. But he also has been way too soft and appears to sulk at times. He too often plays with little fire. Wake up, kid. Pull it together.
It's not all Love's fault. Blatt doesn't appear to know how to use the guy. The Cavs are still figuring it out with Love, but it needs to get better. Expectations were higher when the Cavs traded for him -- and both parties are to blame for his rather ordinary start.
3. LeBron James is in "chill mode," and that's a good thing.
Repeat after me: No one wins a championship in December. Or January. Or February. The playoffs start in April and run through May. The Finals start in June. Got it? Good.
So LeBron may be preserving himself a little. Actually, he should. And big deal. LeBron has been to four straight Finals. He has won two championships. He knows how to play his best when it means the most. Do you know more about playing pro basketball than LeBron James? No, you do not. So keep quiet and enjoy the ride.
4. Kyrie Irving is off to a career year.
Not enough can be said about how Irving has rededicated himself to the game. I don't really root for teams (more on that in a minute), but I know when I enjoy watching a player. I've always enjoyed watching Irving, because he plays sort of an old-school brand of basketball with his use of the backboard and Earl Monroe-like dribbling skills.
But Kyrie is defending now. He's not going to lock down too many people, but this is the NBA. Nobody gets locked down if they refuse to allow it. Kyrie is hustling, diving, defending and generally playing his guts out. I don't know if I'd always say that before this season. On a personal level, I don't know if there's an NBA player I enjoy watching more. On a professional level, I don't care what anyone says: If Kyrie keeps this up, the Cavs are going places.
5. The Cavs are still my pick to win the East.
I know a lot of people will call me a "homer," or worse. But I'm not in the business of pulling for the team I cover. It's not my job. That's right, I get paid to do this. Every week. Direct deposit. My bank account.
Quite a scam I got going, huh?
Anyway, what I write here is strictly as an impartial observer -- and anymore, someone who tries to cut through all the noise and negativity and ridiculous rumors. People truly aren't careful with who their sources are anymore.
So again, it makes no difference to me if the Cavs win or lose. Hate to shatter your egos and hopes, but that's the way it is. I love the NBA. I root for no one. I root for everyone. And as a guy who feels that way, and a guy who has covered this league for more than 15 years, I don't see anyone in the East who looks too daunting for the Cavs to overcome.
The Cavs aren't even playing that well. They don't have a "rim protector." They don't have a guy who can lock down opposing perimeter shooters. They don't seem to be on the same page as their coach.
But I am here to tell you, right now, today, as is -- they could beat any team in the East in a seven-game series. They could lose, too. But they could win. Right now, today. And the Cavs are only going to get better.
This is December. This is 2014. The Cavs will be even better in 2015. And you will forget all about the silly emphasis on their struggles. This year was meaningless. The real fun for the Cavs and their fans starts next year. Enjoy.