Rob Ryan takes in UFC fights with son, talks Shawn Jordan's showing

New Orleans Saints defensive coordinator Rob Ryan got some time away from the football field and took in the UFC fights over the weekend with his son, according to Amos Morale III of
Not only did Ryan talk about being a big fan of the UFC, but also spoke a bit about the football players who have turned to UFC fighting as well.
"Me and my son are big fans of the UFC," Ryan told during the bouts. "It's great that they are having here in New Orleans. I've seen it in LA before and Vegas so it's great to have it right here at home and it's been a great night."
With a few ex-football players making the move to the UFC, Ryan joked a bit about hoping he didn't lose any of his players, while also complimenting one former player specifically.
"Hopefully, they'll just play football," Ryan said jokingly. "But that kid from LSU looked great in his fight tonight — with that head kick. I know we got some tough guys but hopefully they'll keep playing football and maybe when they retire they can go into this."
The "kid" that Ryan spoke of is former LSU fullback Shawn Jordan, who went on to defeat Derrick Lewis on Saturday night.
Photo Credit: Bob Donnan-USA TODAY Sports