Police union rescinds boycott threat over Kaepernick protests

The Santa Clara Police Officers' Association, who last week said they might not work at San Francisco 49ers home games because of quarterback Colin Kaepernick's recent protests, rescinded its boycott threat.
The police union had sent a letter to the 49ers stating that Kaepernick's protest has ''threatened our harmonious working relationship'' with the 49ers. The Santa Clara Police Department usually deploys around 70 officers at Levi's Stadium for each home game.
The union was upset about Kaepernick's stance for not standing during the national anthem and for socks that he wore depicting cartoon pigs wearing police hats, plus comments he made about police brutality.
But the union reserved course in a letter to Santa Clara mayor Lisa Gillmor, stating that the union “will encourage our officers to work 49ers games and other stadium events," but added that were "disappointed" in the 49ers management for ignoring concerns created by Kaepernick.
"If they can defend the free speech right of one of their players certainly they can acknowledge the unfortunate harm that may be inflicted upon the good men and women of our department who also work at the stadium," the statement for the union said.
The 49ers announced that the team's foundation will donate $1 million to the Silicon Valley Community Foundation and the San Francisco Foundation to help improve "racial and economic inequality and fostering communication and collaboration between law enforcement and the communities they serve here in the Bay Area."
- Scooby Axson
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