On patrol: Pats Amendola, Edelman team up for 'Cops' spoof

BOSTON (AP) Patriots Julian Edelman and Danny Amendola make up one of the NFL's top receiving tandems.
So it makes sense that they'd try their hand at making a buddy cop movie.
Lt. Dan ''Dale'' Amendola and Sgt. Julian ''Skip'' Edelman debuted Tuesday in the two-minute short "PATS: Cleaning the Streets" on Edelman's YouTube channel.
The ''Cops'' spoof has Hollywood-quality production and is complete with all the graphics and ''Bad Boys'' theme song that have become synonymous with the long-running television show's opening credit sequence.
But it is definitely a lighthearted and fun look at the job of the boys in blue. It includes an opening montage of the pair decked out in full Boston Police uniforms while doing synchronized pushups, engaging in a nightstick fencing match and Amendola going for an impromptu hover board ride.
You've heard of cruiser patrol. Now make room for receiver patrol.
Online: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PG4mL-oNAD0