NFL hopes to start testing for HGH

The NFL hopes to start testing players for human growth hormone,
following a test that led to the suspension of a British rugby
NFL spokesman Greg Aiello said Wednesday that the league had
made a proposal to its players in January regarding HGH.
Discussions are ongoing, he said.
"Our position is that HGH testing has advanced to the point
where we are taking steps to incorporate it into our program,"
Aiello said. "We have proposed it to the union."
The NFLPA's player development director, Stacy Robinson, said
in a statement that the union "has supported research to find a
suitable test that will detect sustained HGH use."
"We believe in and collectively bargained for a system that
supports the testing of all banned substances," he said.
The NFL has used preseason blood tests since at least 2006
for cholesterol and tryglycerates.
The issue of HGH testing has gained renewed interest in the
wake of the United Kingdom Anti-Doping authority announcing a
two-year ban Monday for rugby player Terry Newton, saying he had
tested positive and become the first athlete suspended for using
The substance is believed by some to hasten healing but there
is still a debate over whether it increases strength.
A blood test for HGH has been in existence since the 2004
Athens Olympics and available in the U.S. since 2008, according to
United States Anti-Doping Agency executive director Travis Tygart.
Tygart said the test was available to professional leagues,
but only through World Anti-Doping Agency labs.
"It's one that's been well-vetted, well-discussed," he said
by telephone from London. "Further research has been done to get it
to a point where it's scientifically valid, and we're happy to help
any entity that's interested in having an effective test, whether
we're involved with their program or not, getting them comfortable
with the validity of the science."
Tygart said the window for detecting HGH through the test is
three days at the most, making it most useful for
out-of-competition testing.