Money expert tapped for $765M NFL concussion case

A judge overseeing the NFL concussion litigation has appointed a financial expert to advise her on the proposed $765 million settlement.
Perry Golkin, co-founder of Public Pension Capital Management in New York, will be a special master.
The NFL and retired players announced a deal in August that would cover 19,000 retired players.
Senior U.S. District Judge Anita Brody in Philadelphia must now weigh the proposed terms at a fairness hearing.
Awards would reach $5 million for athletes with Lou Gehrig's disease or $3 million for dementia cases, and include medical testing.
In a joint statement, the two sides welcomed Golkin's appointment Monday and hoped for prompt approval of the settlement.
Golkin, a longtime Kohlberg, Kravis, Roberts & Co. executive, holds business and law degrees from the University of Pennsylvania.