Fan loses bet, eats beard

As a bearded American, I can testify that it doesn't get much worse, beard-wise, than trimming your whiskers and getting some of them in your mouth.
It's really pretty gross, and I wouldn't ever do it on purpose.
That wasn't an option, however, for Washington Redskins fan and comedian Jason Pickar, who had to eat part of his own beard after losing a bet on Monday night's game against the Philadelphia Eagles:
To be fair, the still-hirsute Pickar only eats one tiny bite of his beard in the video, so it strikes me as kind of a copout. And he seems to be playing to the camera a little bit. It's bad, but it's not that bad.
That said, folks with facial hair tend to be pretty protective of their beards — it's an investment to grow these things — and the mental anguish of having to trim it and then literally swallow your pride should be enough to absolve this guy of his debt.