Eagles president defends Philly mayor

Philadelphia Mayor Nutter said Sunday it was a good idea for the NFL to push the Eagles game against the Minnesota Vikings back to Tuesday in light of the blizzard-like conditions.
Philadelphia Eagles president Joe Banner released a statement Monday defending any critical backlash that Mayor Nutter received.
“People are free to have their opinions on whether or not last night’s Eagles game should have been postponed,” Banner said in the statement. “That decision was ultimately made by the NFL.
“Any criticism of the Mayor, who was not involved in this decision, is completely unfair.”
"I appreciate Joe Banner's statement," Nutter said Monday. "You really have to think about what was going on last night."People have to go home [after the game]. If something tragic happened, we’d be having a different debate."
The statement was released in the wake of some sharp criticism from Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell.
The governor told myFOXphilly.com that the NFL’s decision to postpone Sunday’s game was “a joke” and claimed that "we're becoming a nation of wussies."
The eventual snowfall in Philadelphia was 12.4 inches.
Rendell appears regularly on a Comcast postgame show about the Eagles and is a longtime fan.