Hayden Johnson
Arkansas Fullback Hayden Johnson Arrested
Hayden Johnson

Arkansas Fullback Hayden Johnson Arrested

Published Jun. 30, 2017 6:28 p.m. ET

Arkansas freshman fullback, Hayden Johnson, was arrested early this morning.

The freshman fullback was arrested sometime early in the AM on Sunday. His booking time, according to the Washington County Sheriff’s website, was at 6:50 am.

Although details are not known about the encounter between Johnson and the UAPD, his charges are known. His charges as listed are  Minor in possession of alcohol and public intoxication. He has his first court appearance tomorrow morning at 10:30 am.

Given Bielema’s track record with the few arrests he has had on his team, this doesn’t bode well for Johnson. So what can we expect? I doubt he’ll be let go but a come to Jesus meeting is probably in order.


However, Bielema may make an example of him. The head coach is not one who takes distractions lightly. Especially when it is the week his Razorbacks play the number one team in the nation, the Crimson Tide.

“I’ve had a lot of good fullbacks. Several of them have gone on to play in the NFL. The early returns on him, I think, are off the charts,” Bielema said. “He gets it. And the best thing is, he’s everything we embodied and wanted off the field. Mom and Dad raised a great kid. I don’t think he’s got anything lower than an A yet. His intensity, his demeanor, his attitude, he’s a very contagious kid.”

Hayden has only started one game with the Hogs, when they beat TCU. He had played but not started against Louisiana Tech during the season opener win. According to the Columbia Daily Tribune, Bielema said after the TCU game of Johnson, “He’s a shooting star, man.”

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