Somehow 29 people have still managed to avoid learning winner of Super Bowl 50

Death in the "Last Man Standing" challenge means that a person acquired the "knowledge" -- the outcome of the Super Bowl between the Denver Broncos and favored Carolina Panthers. This year nearly 200 people attempted to become the last (known) person to learn who won Super Bowl 50. Now 15 days after the game was decided, 29 remain free of the knowledge.
Causes of "death" include: an announcement at a theater, Snapchat, a Kohl's email, a digital billboard, Kristen Wiig on Jimmy Fallon, CNN updates, Facebook memes and sabotage.
Just how does one insulate himself or herself from learning the Super Bowl result? The thought is terrifying to this NFL fanatic, so I don't want to entertain the notion too long, though I suppose there are email filters involved, ear plugs and a ban on all sports programming.
The game is open to "anyone in America who is a fan of American sports, and/or who would reasonably expect to hear about the Super Bowl if they weren’t trying to avoid it." The rules also require that contestants tweet "updates on their Last Man status at least every 72 hours while they’re still alive, and of course also tweet their 'death' after they lose."
Probably a couple more will fall this week. It's kind of like the "Seinfeld" episode "The Contest" -- no one truly wins, it's just a matter of who can abstain longest.