Latrell Sprewell pokes fun at reputation in new ad

Former Minnesota Timberwolves small forward Latrell Sprewell wasn't exactly known as a role model during his NBA career.
He pokes fun at that fact in a new TV commercial: A Priceline spot that features Sprewell and Hall of Fame center David Robinson.
The commercial features a dad trying to teach his daughter life lessons. He books a trip to San Antonio, where Robinson tells the daughter, "The key to success is hard work and a great attitude."
The commercial then cuts to a restaurant, where Sprewell sits at a booth beside the duo. "Success is just failure that hasn't happened yet," Sprewell says, much to the dad's chagrin.
Sprewell, who played two seasons for Minnesota, is best remembered in the state for his 2004 contract negotiation with the Timberwolves. After the team offered him an extension for less than he wanted, Sprewell said: ''Why would I want to help them win a title? They're not doing anything for me. I'm at risk. I have a lot of risk here. I got my family to feed.''
Previously, Sprewell earned a not-so-stellar reputation after choking his then-Golden State coach P.J. Carlesimo. Sprewell also has had financial troubles following his playing career.
Sprewell has not played in the NBA since the 2004-05 season, retiring after a 13-year career.
View the commercial here: