Woman says Lions player 'violated' her

The woman who accused a Detroit Lions player of misbehavior at a private party earlier this month told police he lifted her shirt, the Associated Press has learned, but prosecutors said Tuesday they wouldn't file charges against the player, citing insufficient evidence to persuade a jury beyond a reasonable doubt.
In a handwritten statement, the 22-year-old woman said the action made her feel ''extremely violated, disrespected and uncomfortable.'' The police report was obtained Thursday under a Freedom of Information Act request.
The names of the player and the woman were redacted throughout the document.
Plymouth police Chief Al Cox said a lawyer in the case requested the redactions, and the department complied based on the recommendation of the city's attorney, Bob Marzano. He declined to discuss the case but noted there is a privacy exemption to the state FOIA law.
The player also provided a handwritten statement to the police in which he denied the accusation.
''I was made aware of allegations, and in no way, shape or form did any of this take place,'' he said.
Messages seeking comment were left Thursday for attorneys for the player and the woman. Her lawyer, Michael Jaafar, has said his client would file a civil lawsuit against the player, but wouldn't do so until after the prosecutor's office made a decision.
According to the police report, the restaurant, the Ironwood Grill, closed around 8 p.m. on Jan. 3 for a private party.
Sometime later, a group of Lions players and team personnel approached the door after having eaten at another restaurant in the city. They found the door locked, but were allowed in because they were acquaintances with the Ironwood's owner.
Quarterback Drew Stanton, who was with the group, said in his statement that they wanted a place to watch the Orange Bowl.
Stanton said once inside, the group ''dispersed to different parts of the bar to watch the game.''
The accuser told police she was dancing with friends near the kitchen area around 1 a.m. when the player in question began to dance with them.
He ''then proceeded to lift my shirt up, exposing my stomach and chest,'' she said. ''I immediately pulled away and became visibly upset.''
The woman said the player was escorted from the building. The player said he ''gathered my guys and decided it was time to leave.''
A few of the witnesses told police they saw the accuser crying and the player using foul language before he was escorted out.
The woman also told police during an interview that she had been drinking that night and had at least two to three shots and two mixed drinks.
Stanton said he was aware of where his teammate was that night, because he passed by the kitchen area on his way to the restroom. The quarterback said he was unable to identify the accuser and didn't see any interactions between her and his teammate.
Later, Stanton said, ''a person in our group and a bouncer notified me that our group was leaving, so I got up and walked out.''
The former Michigan State star said he had no comment when contacted Thursday by the AP.
Police in the city 20 miles west of Detroit interviewed nearly a dozen witnesses as part of their two-week probe, including the accused NFL player, whom Cox has said was ''totally cooperative'' and ''made himself very available.''
They submitted their findings to the Wayne County prosecutor's office on Jan. 18 and received a warrant denial form a week later.
The prosecutor's office, on that form, listed several reasons for not bringing charges in the case, including insufficient evidence, that the woman sought a lawyer before going to police and that witnesses didn't see what she was claiming.