What Favre, Childress really meant

You've all heard of (and likely experienced) the old game of he
said, she said.
Now, just in time for the Vikings unavoidable implosion ...
we are proud to present,
"Brett said, Brad said!"
Here's how it works: Let's compare comments made by Brett
Favre and Brad Childress during their "kiss and make up" press
conferences Wednesday, and then candidly interpret what each really
meant when they said it. It's more entertaining than watching the
Redskins attempt fake field goals.
What Brett said: "[The issues] were resolved just
by sitting down and talking about it as we should have done and
ultimately did do. But really the differences ... it's gotten blown
way out of proportion."
What Brett really means: “Things got blown
out of proportion because I decided to go to my very, very, very,
very good friends in the media to air our dirty laundry instead of
handling it internally. I could have blown the question about our
‘heated discussion’ off, but it’s been a while
since I got some love for all the drama I’m capable of
creating off the field.
"Besides, it’s easier to win an argument when my water
carriers in the press have my back.”
What Brad said: "There’s no question Brett
is a good player.”
What Brad really means: “You know, I could
have characterized Brett as great since he’s the all-time
touchdown leader, has won a Super Bowl and instantly made us a
title contender. But I knew putting him in the
'could-apply-to-anybody-on-this-team' category of
‘good’ would get his Wranglers in a tizzy. Olive Garden
is ‘good’. Owning a Dodge Stratus is
‘good’. My use of ‘good’ wasn’t good.
It was great! Take that, diva!”
What Brett said: “I went back and watched
film of this team in the past. Too many in the box and [Peterson]
still gets 50 yards. That’s not to say there’s not a
better play there sometimes.”
What Brett really means: “There’s a
reason this team couldn’t get out of its own way before I
arrived in Minnesota. A one-dimensional offense never wins in
January in this league unless you have a real running back like
Chris Johnson. We saw how well the
give-the-ball-to-Adrian-with-12-in-the-box thing worked last year
when we could barely sell out a playoff game that we ended up
getting housed in. This isn’t the '60s anymore. Passing game
sets up the running game ... duh!”
What Brad said: “Things go on during the
course of a football game at all positions and that’s behind
us. We’re kind of forward looking here at the Chicago
What Brad meant to say: “I hope my buddies
at the Minnetoka Country Club put all the money they were going to
leave their kids in the will on the Bears this weekend. We’re
completely discombobulated, we have nothing to play for, my QB
might the first to wear a headset and a helmet simultaneously, and
Chicago sees this as their Super Bowl.
"Maybe Favre and that other starlet Cutler can go bowling
together after the game. Maybe they can talk about what franchise
they’d like to divide next.”
What Brett said: “I’ve told Brad
– and anyone who has ever played the game – we all
think we know it all at some point. I know that’s not the
What Brett meant: “Do you like how I got
that ‘anyone who has ever played the game’ shot to the
kidney in there? There’s a reason why sponsors line up for
me: I’m the king of subliminal messages, baby!
"The only football Childress has ever played was Madden
’97. Guess who his quarterback was? Hint: It wasn’t Gus
Frerotte! Lace ‘em up sometime, Brad, and you see what
it’s like to have Ray Lewis checking out your tonsils before
the ball is even snapped. I may not know it all, but I know more
than the guy who thinks shoulder pads are something chicks wear to
look thinner.”
What Brad said: "He sees a lot. He looks at tape.
He knows what it means. He looks at indicators. I've talked to you
guys about him spending time at it. Now I'd be lying to you if I
told you he spends more time than we do.”
What Brad meant: “Brett reads the Cliff’s Notes
when it comes to breaking down to tape, while my coaching staff and
me make Ron Jaworski look like an NFL Films intern. We look at more
film in a week than James Cameron did over an entire year when
editing Avatar. I got this team to the playoffs with Tarvaris
Jackson last year. If that doesn’t give me the right to pull
my quarterback or call my own plays, nothing does"
Tune in next time!