Wes Welker denies Patriots ever had Jets' playbook

Wes Welker offered clarification to Mike Pettine's claim that the New England Patriots might possess a New York Jets playbook.
Welker said Friday on The Sports Hub's "Toucher & Rich" that he used to joke with Jets assistant coach Mike Smith, which unwittingly might have sparked the playbook controversy. Tom Brady even joined one of the playful conversations during Welker's wedding.
Pettine's remarks to TheMMQB.com, in which he claimed the Patriots might have a copy of the playbook, came from a story told at the wedding.
"(Mike) used to say, 'So and so will cover you in the game. No, actually we're going to double-team you,'" Welker said. "So I'd make stuff up, 'Oh, this is our game plan going into it.' Every once in a while, you (say) something true just to throw them off. And (you'd) say 'Is that true? Would they do that?'
"It was just mind games a little bit."
Welker, now a Denver Bronco, said the Patriots never had a copy of Rex Ryan's playbook, as far as he knew.
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