The truth behind Beardo & Dreads
Perhaps the most obvious, simple truth about videobombing is that you are doing it because you want your five minutes of fame.
Well, two guys going by Beardo & Dreads (no, really, they like being called that!) got a lot more than five minutes out of this act. And, if you believe them, they're just a couple of dudes from the Philly area who don't even get Internet service on their phones. These guys have to be seen to be believed.
First, let's visit the moment that made these guys five-minute legends on FOX NFL Sunday. Take a look at them and tell us they aren't going for Internet meme infamy.
They were impressed with press they generated (about which again, they have no idea because they're still getting stale mail via Pony Express), that they grabbed few hours of sleep and headed down to the "Today Show" where they pranked a second network. You can get a good look at them at the 24-second mark.
Wouldn't you be somewhat creeped out if you saw these guys looking over your shoulder? Well FOX Football Daily asked Erin Andrews how she felt about it.:
Then they headed back to where it started, and this time they got Regis on "Crowd Goes Wild".
At that point, we had no choice. We had to figure out who the hell these guys are. And we quickly learned they are:
A couple guys named "Hans and Broc" (or as Hans put it, "a sausage name") who have not seen all the attention they have gotten because, "we've had limited access because our phones keep dying". They videobombed EA because, as Broc put it, "we both are that weird, I guess." Hans is "a stay-at-home dad" whose daughters are at home with his wife because he and Broc are on a planned five-day trip. Broc, of course, has a photography business (along with doing some nonprofit work). But it looks like we found his Twitter feed.
Here is the interview: