Tebow takes high road after Pats cut

Perhaps you heard. Tim Tebow was cut Saturday by the New England Patriots.
It could bring to an end a bizarrely notable — if not all that memorable — NFL career for the former Florida Gators star. But Tebow is maintaining a positive attitude about it, which is the only kind of attitude we've ever known him to have.
In the aftermath of the news, Tebow took a page out of a fellow teammate's book and sent out a series of classy tweets, thanking the Patriots for all they did and vowing to keep up his pursuit of making another NFL roster:
For obvious reasons, we'd love to see Tebow catch on somewhere else. But all business considerations aside, it's hard not to wish for good things for someone who seems so genuine.
But if it doesn't work out, God's Twitter feed has an interesting suggestion that we are not necessarily endorsing by posting here: