Reaction to the NFL concussions settlement

Reaction to Thursday's order from Senior U.S. District Judge Anita Brody outlining a proposed $765 million settlement between the NFL and more than 4,500 former players who want to resolve concussion-related lawsuits:
From the outset of this litigation, I have expressed my belief that the interests of all parties would be best served by a negotiated resolution of this case. The settlement holds the prospect of avoiding lengthy, expensive and uncertain litigation, and of enhancing the game of football. - Brody.
It's frustrating. Frustrating. And to have a 10-year old daughter who says to her mother, `Daddy can't do this because Daddy won't remember how to do it,' it's not a good feeling. I'm glad to see there's been ... acknowledgment that football has had something to do with a lot of the issues us players are going through right now. - former Dallas Cowboys running back Tony Dorsett.
This agreement lets us help those who need it most and continue our work to make the game safer for current and future players. ... We thought it was critical to get more help to players and families who deserve it rather than spend many years and millions of dollars on litigation. - NFL executive vice president Jeffrey Pash.
I think it's more important that the players have finality, that they're vindicated, and that as soon as the court approves the settlement they can begin to get screening, and those that are injured can get their compensation. I think that's more important than looking at some documents. - attorney Sol Weiss, who filed the first lawsuit on behalf of former Atlanta Falcons player Ray Easterling and others.
Concussions are part of the game. I know a lot of the old players need a lot of help, and it's quite a settlement, from what I understand. ... I think people have hid behind this too long. It's time it's out in the open. It's out in the open now so we'll see what happens. - former Chicago Bears star and coach Mike Ditka.
NFL concussion lawsuit net outcome? Big loss for the players now and the future! Estimated NFL revenue by 2025 (equals) $27 BILLION. - former NFLPA President Kevin Mawae in a tweet.
Glad to see the older guys are getting taken care of with the concussion settlement. It'll never be enough, but it's a start. Curious, though, what the NFL is going to do after putting $765 million into figuring out you can't pad the inside of someone's head. - Oakland Raiders punter Chris Kluwe on Twitter.
I am able to live my life the same way I was, but now - chances are I am 44 now I won't make it to 50 or 60 - I have money now to put back for my children to go to college and for a little something to be there financially. ... The compensation provided in this settlement will lift a huge burden off the men who are suffering right now, for both them and their families, of course. It will give them the peace of mind to have the best quality of life they can have. No longer have to make decisions regarding their health based on what they can afford, but based on what is the best treatment for them. - former NFL running back Kevin Turner, who has Lou Gehrig's disease.
It's part of the game why sue. - former NFL receiver Chad (Ochocinco) Johnson on Twitter.
I'm shocked that it is settled. I'm used to the NFL taking a hard-line approach as they have throughout the years with strikes and everything else. I'm curious how they came up with the figure and I've got a lot of questions, but I am happy that it's done. Any time the NFL acknowledges they are ready to settle something, it shows they knew they had some sort of negligence. - former offensive lineman Lomas Brown, a seven-time Pro Bowl player who had sued the league.
The money they're talking about is going to people who need it. ... I had major concussions myself. Am I on that slippery slope? I don't know that. Will this help protect me in the years to come? Yes. That's what it's for - something there in case you need it down the road. Right now I don't need it, knock on wood. - former NFL quarterback Don Strock.
The settlement includes much-needed medical care and monitoring of former players, as well as a commitment to research funding. - The Boston University Center for the Study of Traumatic Encephalopathy, which has been examining brains of deceased NFL players to try to determine what sort of connection exists between football and brain disease.
The NFL is far and away the most popular spectator sport in this country, so it has a symbolic power to lead the way on this issue. Now they are free to help raise awareness and fund prevention and treatment that will save millions from an injury that affects what it means to be human. - agent Leigh Steinberg in op-ed on
All of those `experts' said this would be a 10-year process, but I personally believe both sides did whatever they had to, to help retired players - and at the same time, to not change the game of football as we know it. - Craig Mitnick, an attorney who helped represent more than 1,000 plaintiffs against the NFL.
All of the plaintiffs involved are part of our player community, and we look forward to learning more about the settlement. - NFL Players Association.
It's not the end of it because there are a lot of other players that will come up with the same situations so I think the league has to find some kind of way to address the issue because it's going to happen. Those are issues that have to be resolved, and I don't think they're going to be resolved overnight. - former Dallas Cowboys offensive lineman Rayfield Wright, one of the plaintiffs.
Some reporter called and said, `That comes out to $170,000 per man.' I said, `Good, I don't want that. I want health care.' Because what good is the money going to do you? And we're at the age where all the league has to do is take care of most of the guys until they're 65, and then you go on Medicare. It's pretty simple, and they don't do that. - former Buffalo Bills offensive lineman Joe DeLamielleure.
I want to believe that Roger Goodell and these guys are good guys. But why do we have to take them to court? Bottom line. I see Roger Goodell, his dad fought for justice. His dad was a senator. Apples don't fall far from trees. I hope that he would have some compassion for the guys who built this league. Why do we have to take them to court? It's insane. - DeLamielleure.
'' These are the same people who tried to render the concept that concussions were never a problem, and concussions didn't occur in the NFL. My reaction to it is when they settle with you, it's because they have no other choice. They slowly made the conversation turn to a way to settle this so their image doesn't get hurt. But I still don't trust them.
''I hope it will open the doors for the players of my age group, my era, to give them an automatic way to get treatment now for dementia and early onset of Alzheimer's.
''Call me if you ever find out we get any money. I refer to Public Enemy: You can't trust this. `' - Eugene ''Mercury'' Morris, NFL running back from 1969 to 1976, mostly with the Dolphins.