Ex-NFL TE Senser, wife hit with lawsuit

The family of a man killed in an alleged hit-and-run has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against former Minnesota Vikings tight end Joe Senser and his wife.
Thirty-eight-year-old Anousone Phanthavong (ah-NOO'-sahn PAN'-tah-wong) of Roseville was hit after he ran out of gas on an Interstate 94 ramp in Minneapolis late last month.
Senser's wife, Amy, has acknowledged she was the vehicle's driver.
The lawsuit filed Tuesday names both Sensers and seeks at least $50,000 in damages. The Phanthavong's family attorney, Jim Schwebel, says he hopes the lawsuit will help them find out why Amy Senser fled, whether alcohol was involved and whether she was alone.
The Sensers' attorney, Eric Nelson, couldn't immediately comment Tuesday because he hadn't yet read the lawsuit.
No charges have been filed.