Charlie Sheen: I'll give $1,000 to waiter stiffed by LeSean McCoy

Eagles running back LeSean McCoy made his biggest headlines of the young season Monday when he left a whopping 20-cent tip on a $61.56 lunch bill.
News of McCoy's stiff-arm to the server quickly blazed through the Internet and Socialsphere, leading him to respond that he short-changed the waiter due to bad service.
That led to an interesting exchange on Facebook and Twitter over just how poor the service at Philly burger joint was or wasn't, but one thing remained clear — the server, "Rob," got the short end of the stick.
Until Charlie Sheen got involved, of course.
On Wednesday, the actor tweeted he would pledge a thousand bucks to Rob — a gesture of brotherly love that apparently even comes with no judgment levied on McCoy.
dear Tommy Up at PYT in Philly. Please tell Rob K I'm pledging 1000 dollars to him for the tip debacle just wanna help. c #NoJudgement
— Charlie Sheen (@charliesheen) September 10, 2014
As for that social media exchange between McCoy and PYT? Enjoy.