10 best-rated Super Bowl commercials
According to our users these were the best commercials of Super Bowl XLVII. Click on the commercial title to watch it.
Liked by 97% of users
While Stevie Nicks croons in the background, we see one of Budweiser’s trademark Clydesdales grow from foal to adult horse, then eventually reunite with the farmer who raised him. Not exactly sure how Bud gets us to feel all sentimental about a horse, but they do it almost every year.
Liked by 95% of users
Dodge used a stirring speech by the late Paul Harvey to narrate this commercial as a tribute to the farmers in all of us.
Liked by 93% of users
Jeep celebrated the Armed Forces with this commercial and the tagline: Welcome home, heroes.
Liked by 91% of users
In this commercial, a kid looks to take back the playground by building an incredibly strong team for a game of football.
Liked by 87% of users
After resigning himself to attending the prom solo, a teen is handed the keys to his father’s Audi and the night turns from a dud into a winner.
Liked by 87% of users
A group of seniors enjoy a late night of sneaking out, throwing a backyard pool party and indulging in Taco Bell.
Liked by 86% of users
Dad attempts to explain to his young son where babies come from (it involves — among other things — a planet named Babylandia and baby-dispensing rocket ships). When the kid chimes in with an alternate (not to mention, more accurate) explanation, dad quickly brings the awkward conversation to a close with a well-timed voice command to the Kia’s stereo.
Liked by 84% of users
A San Francisco fan spills nachos on his jersey only to find the resulting stain resembles 49ers legend Joe Montana. As pilgrims — a/k/a Niners fans — flock to Montanaland to pay homage, his wife (a Ravens supporter) gets the last laugh when the offending stain is removed thanks to Tide.
Liked by 83% of users
Despite encountering numerous situations requiring the brawn of The Rock, he cannot be distracted from his mission — to find milk following a kids’ sleepover.
Liked by 83% of users
A runner speeds to the rescue of a gazelle who is clearly in trouble.
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