Utah athletic director apologizes for postgame tirade

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) Utah athletic director Chris Hill has apologized for a tirade directed at a Pac-12 official following Sunday's basketball game against No. 11 Arizona State.
Coach Larry Krystkowiak had to stop mid-sentence during his postgame news conference as a man could be heard shouting and swearing from another room.
The man turned out to be Hill and he was yelling at Pac-12 coordinator of men's basketball officiating Bobby Dibler.
''I have had a few days to reflect on a heated conversation I had with an individual following our men's basketball game against Arizona State on Sunday,'' Hill said in a statement. ''While my emotions were high and I thought our meeting was private, there is no excuse for the inappropriate language I used. I have apologized to the person involved, who is someone I have known for years and greatly respect. I also regret any discomfort to others as a result of my cursing. As the leader of this department, I expect more of myself and I am sincerely sorry.''
The Sun Devils won 80-77 thanks to a pair of go-ahead free throws with 21.7 seconds remaining. Arizona State had three players foul out and the Utes shot 13 more free throws.