Watch Sale intentionally drop big words during postgame interviews offers its "Word of the Day" to improve readers' vocabulary and roughly every five days, White Sox pitcher Chris Sale rolls out a new "Word of the Start."
Say what? Thanks to White Sox reporter Scott Merkin, we've learned that Sale's "Word of the Start" refers to the fairly hefty multisyllabic word preselected by White Sox baseball video coordinator Byan Johnson, which Sale must use in proper context in his postgame interview.
Johnson initially tried to get the entire team on board with the game-within-a-game, but only the 25-year-old starter has stuck with it.
"When you commit to something as serious as this, you have to ride it out through the good and the bad," Sale said. "We had said that we were going to do it every start this year. In a sense, me and Bryan are on a team now, and I can't let my team down. I have two teams to play for a night."
Watch the southpaw in action, seamlessly dropping vocabulary bombs:
Here's the full rundown on Sale and Johnson's words to date:
"One of these times, I'm going to have to blurt it out, whatever it might be," Sale said. "Just, 'Oh, yeah by the way, this,' and walk away."
So far, so good for the White Sox ace.
No word if Sale and Johnson are taking suggestions, but I'd love to hear verisimilitude or cornucopia. Meanwhile, White Sox fans would love the sound of "playoffs."