Wake Forest Reacts on Twitter to Tim Duncan's Retirement

Wake Forest turned to Twitter to pay respect to former player Tim Duncan after he announced his retirement on Monday. Duncan graduated from Wake Forest in 1997 and went on to play for 19 years with the San Antonio Spurs.
The ACC also released several videos on Twitter thanking Duncan for his impact on the basketball community.
#ThankYouTD! #GoDeacs! ? https://t.co/9PK6Gar803
— WakeForestUniversity (@WakeForest) July 11, 2016
Tim Duncan calls it a career. A look back at where he started it. #GoDeacs @TieDyeNationhttps://t.co/aseogz6xY6 pic.twitter.com/3J1k5puK9S
— Wake Forest Sports (@DemonDeacons) July 11, 2016
Thoughts from Associate Head Coach @r22childress on his former teammate #TimDuncan #GoDeacs pic.twitter.com/LMsWOJ38ik
— Wake Basketball (@TieDyeNation) July 11, 2016
Thank you, Tim Duncan.
— ACC Digital Network (@theACCDN) July 11, 2016
Started at Wake Forest...
Next stop: Hall of Fame.
Your legacy is unrivaled. #ThankYouTDhttps://t.co/1RxPrNc0l8
Former @DemonDeacons HC Dave Odom shares his favorite memories of coaching Tim Duncan at Wake Forest #ThankYouTDhttps://t.co/5RTrKwz3zN
— ACC Digital Network (@theACCDN) July 11, 2016