New England Patriots
New England Patriots
Trailer: Bill Belichick narrates WWII documentary
Jun. 30, 2017 6:28 p.m. ET

Sports Illustrated, Extra Mustard/Sports Illustrated via Extra Mustard
As you may or may not have heard, Bill Belichick is doing voice-overs for a new World War II documentary entitled “D-Day: Over Normandy.”
The trailer for that documentary has been released. Here it is below, with the Patriots coach explaining his own connections to the film.
The one-hour film is set to air this spring on PBS, shot exclusively with drone- and helicopter-mounted cameras, interspersed with interviews with battle survivors.
Belichick’s father, Steve, fought in WWII with the U.S. Navy and later became a football coach at the Naval Academy, to which Bill attributes his own management style.

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