Texas Rangers roll out 'The Tanaco,' a two-foot taco-nacho hybrid monstrosity

The latest absurd concession offering from the Texas Rangers should likely elicit an “¡Hay Caramba!” from any individual who bellies up to a stand and orders a certifiable gastronomic gutbomb.
The Rangers rolled out — and by “rolled out,” it is implied that a hand truck may be of good service to a fan when bringing it back to his or her seat — “The Tanaco,” a taco-nachos hybrid that is two feet of South of the Border goodness.
For a paltry $26, fans at Globe Life Park in Arlington will be able to feast upon — and presumably share with everyone else in their section — a feast that boasts the following mind-blowing characteristics, with comments from Casey Rapp, operations manager for Delaware North Cos., the outfit that handles all the food and concessions services at the Rangers’ home ballpark (via Dallas-Forth Worth’s 5-NBC):
Holy heartburn, Batman!
Sure, $26 is a lot of money, but that’s a lot of food. In the interest of fairness to fans’ digestive systems, the Rangers should offer a side of Pepto-Bismol for a buck … OK, five bucks … this is ballpark fare, after all; nothing comes cheap.
Of course, the Rangers are head and shoulders (and cholesterol counts) above their MLB colleagues when it comes to concession items that are borderline absurd, so it should come as no surprise that the team and the concessionaires that run the ballpark have come up with yet another crazy culinary item. More are sure to come.
(image via Thrillist, video via Cut4)
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