Ice Bucket Challenge brings suspended A-Rod out of hiding

The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge has taken the world by storm, which obviously is a great thing given the awareness — and funds — it has raised about the debilitating disease. Scores upon scores of people have taken part in the movement, from Hollywood stars to professional athletes, and even regular folks are making a difference.
And then Alex Rodriguez comes along.
The embattled New York Yankees slugger has been remarkably invisible as he sits out the 2014 MLB season under his 162-game suspension. That is until Wednesday, when he emerged to take part in the Ice Bucket Challenge.
Wearing a Miami T-shirt and appearing fit, A-Rod accepts his challenge and goes on to challenge, as the Star Ledger notes, University of Miami President Donna Shalala, MLB analyst Harold Reynolds, former teammate Robinson Cano, and 24-Hour Fitness founder Mark Mastrov.
What? No Anthony Bosch? What gives?
Anyway, on to the video.
There you have it. A-Rod has taken the Ice Bucket Challenge. Given his Bizarro World Midas Touch with things, a cynical person could argue that he is capable of bringing the movement to a screeching halt.
Note: Of course this is all in jest. Alex Rodriguez did not ruin the Ice Bucket Challenge for anyone. His support and participation is of course welcomed and appreciated by all those involved and active in the movement.
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