Former Minnesota Vikings owner Whitney dies

MINNEAPOLIS -- Minnesota businessman and former Vikings co-owner Wheelock Whitney Jr. has died. He was 89.
His son, Ben Whitney, says Wheelock Whitney died Friday at his home in Independence of natural causes.
The St. Cloud native was CEO from 1963-1972 of the investment banking firm Dain and Co.
Whitney also helped bring major league baseball and hockey to the Twin Cities and was a former co-owner of the Minnesota Vikings.
The moderate Republican ran unsuccessfully for governor in 1982 and for the U.S. Senate in 1964.
Whiney also helped found the Johnson Institute, which became part of the Hazelden treatment center.
Whitney is survived by his wife, former Minnesota Supreme Court Chief Justice Kathleen Blatz, and his children, Wheelock Whitney III, Pennell Whitney, Joseph Whitney and Ben Whitney.