Oral Roberts women's basketball player found dead in dorm

TULSA, Okla. (AP) An Oral Roberts University official says the death of a women's basketball player is being investigated as a suicide.
The university says the body of 20-year-old Ashley Beatty was discovered in a campus dormitory Thursday night. ORU security officials and the Tulsa Police Department say they found no evidence of foul play. Blake Freeland, ORU's associate athletic director for media relations, tells The Associated Press that her death of being investigated as a suicide.
The native of Anadarko, Oklahoma, had just completed her sophomore season for the Golden Eagles. One of her sisters, Lakota, is also on the team
Coach Misti Cussen says Ashley was a bright young woman who was loved by everyone and that her teammates are heartbroken. Athletic director Mike Carter says the department will do all it can to support her family and friends.