Trailer for upcoming documentary hints that Kobe Bryant will open up about all
"I don't have the patience to sit and write a book, so I'll do it this way."
Kobe Bryant utters that line in a newly released trailer for "Muse," an upcoming documentary about the Lakers superstar that will air on Showtime in February.
Bryant speaks throughout the trailer and it even hints that his 2003 sexual assault case will be addressed.
At one point, while Bryant says, "I want to say something. I have things I want to think about, things I want to dive into and get off my chest," the camera cuts to a shot from inside a courthouse.
The trailer also shows Bryant getting stitches removed from his surgically repaired knee, playing high school basketball and more.
It ends with Bryant, saying, "What I found throughout the process, is that it became more than a documentary. It became therapy on film."
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