State to issue Bucks license plates

The Milwaukee Bucks are getting specialty plates, but they aren't just for show.
Representatives from the organization joined Wisconsin governor Scott Walker, Wednesday for the signing of Senate Bill 550, legislation that will make specialty Bucks license plates available to Wisconsin residents, with the extra revenue set to benefit both the state's general fund and a new Bucks charity.
"These Bucks plates offer our fans a way to support a worthwhile cause while sharing their support of the team in a special way," Bucks president Peter Feigin said in a statement. "We look forward to seeing Bucks plates all across the state very soon."
In addition to regular vehicle registration fees and a $15 issuance charge, a $25 charge will be added to the cost of the plates, 80 percent of which will be used to pay for Wisconsin taxpayers' contributions to the Bucks' new arena, while the remainder will be donated to a new Bucks charity.
Once the state's portion of the arena is paid off the proceeds with be donated solely to the new charity.