Nate Burleson promises to get fined in Browns' preseason game against Detroit

New Browns WR Nate Burleson was cut by the Lions afer injuries cost him 17 games in the last two seasons.
According to MLive's Kyle Meinke, Burleson is excited to face his former team this season, even if it is for a preseason game.
"Man, I'm wracking my brain figuring out what celebration I'm going to do -- because I'm going to get a fine," Burleson said, laughing. "I'm going to get a fine, period. I'm going to go to my coach and say, 'Hey, I'm going to get a fine. I'm going to do something crazy.'
"It's going to be a little bit of an appreciation celebration to the fans and the city of Detroit. But it's also going to be a poke in the back, saying, 'You should have kept me because I'm still balling.'"
Burelson made the comments Saturday afternoon at a Lions' charity softball game that he used to help organize. He showed up to the event in Cleveland orange and brown from head to toe.
Nate also spoke about potentially playing alongside Josh Gordon after spending time in Detroit opposite Calvin Johnson.
"I tend to find places where I can quietly eat off the crumbs of greatness," Burleson said. "That's how I stay in the league, man. Play with guys who are way better than you."
When the Browns cut WR Greg Little recently, he took to twitter to let everyone know he was excited that he gets the chance to play the Browns this coming season as a member of the Raiders.