Over 250 pieces from the Sam Bass Collection set for auction Wednesday

Wednesday morning at 8 a.m., more than 250 art items from the Sam Bass Collection will be sold as part of court-ordered Chapter 7 bankruptcy liquidation.
Online bidding for art work, sheet metal, prints, guitars, amplifiers and other items has already opened online, with viewers able to bid here.
“Despite our best efforts to reorganize under a Chapter 11 bankruptcy, the court has ordered an auction of work spanning my career--including original paintings, guitars and numerous items acquired over the years as gifts from teams and samples of items I've been fortunate enough to design for sponsors,” Bass said in a statement he issued over the weekend.
“Although the auction is not at all by choice, the most important thing is that I love what I do and I have no plans to stop working,” he said. “I plan to continue creating and designing through my dialysis treatment, and after any anticipated surgeries, I'll be back stronger than ever. I hope that the partners within the NASCAR garage and fans, alike, will continue to view my work as the premier design and illustration option within the NASCAR industry.”
For more details on the sale, check out ironhorseauction.com.
In addition to his business challenges, Bass has had ongoing serious medical issues resulting from his Type 1 diabetes. A GoFundMe.com has been created on Sam's behalf to try and raise $350,000 for a kidney and pancreas transplant.
You can donate to Bass’ GoFundMe.com account by clicking here.
You can also make a donation on Bass’ behalf to Motor Racing Outreach by clicking here.