Made of money: Conor McGregor could end up with his face on the Irish Euro coin

UFC featherweight champion Conor McGregor loves to make money and if a petition passes Irish legislature, he could literally become part of his home country's monetary system with a coin bearing his likeness being put into circulation.
Following McGregor's 13-second drubbing of Jose Aldo at UFC 194, a man named Patrick O'Leary had the idea that the new featherweight champion should adorn the Irish €1 Euro coin.
So a petition was raised and now Ireland's parliament is actually considering putting McGregor's face on the coin in their first full meeting in 2016.
"We will discuss a petitioner's request that sports personality Conor McGregor feature on the €1 coin," Padraig MacLochlainn, the committee chairman, told the Independent in Ireland.
Once McGregor got wind of the committee reviewing the petition to put him on the Irish coin, he put a few mockups on his Instagram page while thanking his supporters for the effort to land him the honor.
McGregor might be the highest-paid fighter in the UFC today, but to say that he's actually made of money would be an accolade no one else on the roster has ever matched.
McGregor may be able to command millions at the box office, but he won't be getting paid with coins featuring his face after the proposition to add him to Irish money failed on Wednesday.
Ah well it was fun while it lasted. Next time petition to stick me on that nice fat purple 500 bill ???
— Conor McGregor (@TheNotoriousMMA) January 13, 2016
If he's successful at UFC 197 there's always a chance McGregor gets on an even bigger bill next time.