Tiki wants to know why he’s not loved like Ronde

Ronde Barber told Jay Glazer on Tuesday that he was retiring after 16 seasons spent with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Cheers were in order and the news was met with almost unanimous respect from those in NFL circles. Hey, remember Ronde's twin brother Tiki? Poor Tiki. He's viewed like a pariah these days. But why? Tiki had his twin brother on his CBS Radio show on Monday (thanks to the New York Daily News) and he asked a pertinent question. “Why do so many people like you, but don’t like me,” Tiki asked. Ronde, to his credit, didn't rake his brother over the coals. Instead, he shifted the blame to the people of New York. “That’s a great question," Ronde said. "Probably because you live in New York and I don’t know if New Yorkers like anything more than loving their stars than hating them. “They look for faults and exploit them, or failures and exploit them and it’s a national story when it’s up there.” Ronde should run for office. What a diplomatic answer. Read the full story from the New York Daily News here.