New charges for former North Carolina basketball player
GREENSBORO, N.C. (AP) — Police have filed charges against former NBA and University of North Carolina basketball player P.J. Hairston, the latest in legal problems dating back to his college career.
The News & Record of Greensboro reports Guilford County Chief Assistant District Attorney Howard Neumann said Friday the 25-year-old Hairston is charged with assault on a female, interfering with emergency communication and injury to personal property. Details aren't available because arrest warrants haven't been served.
In 2013, Hairston received a speeding ticket and a misdemeanor marijuana possession charge. Both times, officers stopped him as he drove rental vehicles linked to a Durham felon and party promoter.
Hairston played two seasons at North Carolina. He was drafted by the Miami Heat in 2014, and played for Charlotte and Memphis and was most recently with Houston's G-League affiliate.