Mail-it-in Friday: Making the case against interceptions

We're back!
It's time for yet another edition of Mail-it-in Friday. Isn't it great when we get to the end of another work week? It's like a celebration. Hooray, we didn't screw up and get fired! Drinks for everyone!
Anyway, we've got a bunch of comments and concerns from you, our dearest readers. This week, we're going to tackle interceptions and the panic that has broken out among 49ers Nation, among other topics. Remember, if you want your missive featured here, fire off an email to or tweet us using #foxmailbag.
OK, let's get to work!
Dave wrote,
Don't intercept a ball on 4th down.
Thanks for letting me rant.
No problem, Dave. This mailbag is a rant-welcome zone. And yes, I agree that knocking the ball down on fourth down is the right play. But we don't live in a world that makes sense.
First of all, these NFL guys are getting paid, which means that stats matter. While it would be the right thing to knock a pass down at your own 5-yard line, that may not always make the most fiscal sense. If you're a defensive back trying to negotiate a new contract, wouldn't it be nice to have as many interceptions on your resume as possible?
Hell, yes. If it makes the difference between driving a 2015 BMW 7 series or a 2014 model, I'm going for all the me-first stats! And then I'm selling my services to the highest bidder!! USA! USA! USA!
Well, the 49ers have lost a few games this season and everyone from the Bay Area and beyond is freeeeeaaaking out. Good lord. Take a gander at some of these.
No name wrote,
Will the 49ers #FireGregRoman as well the #Qb Coach?
Well, I'm not #sure if the #49ers will actually go that #route. I mean, sure, they've had some #problems this #season, but who is to #say that thing won't #turn around, right?
#Dude, have some #faith. They're still #4-4. Let's #wait until #things really #fall apart before hitting the #panic #button. #.
Leonel wrote,
#49ers having more talent on O than recently past seasons yet struggling.
Cruel how the world works, right? Here's the thing: You can have all the talent in the world, but if you don't have an offensive line, you're not going anywhere.
Colin Kaepernick was sacked eight times in Week 9's loss to the Rams. Eight. Don't believe it? Just look below.
Here are sacks 1-5:
And then 6-8:
How is that fair? Kap could have Jerry Rice, Michael Irvin and Hingle McCringleberry all in their primes on the outside, but if he's not getting more than two seconds to throw, everything goes to crap.
DiamondMind wrote,

I am and always will be a 49er faithful . . . do you think our struggles this season is more execution or play calling?

I tend to put more of the onus on the players. A coach doesn't have pads on, so there's really only so much he (Will there every be a she? Maybe one day) can do.
That's what has always amazed me about NFL head coaches. They spend 100 hours at the office every week, never see their families, watch their children grow resentful and turn to Goth lifestyles, develop ulcers and early stage dementia, end up in adult diapers . . . all to come up with the perfect game plan.
Then, their well-laid plans collapse like a pile of used Kleenex when their undrafted free agent at left tackle misses his assignment. Time well spent, eh? Why does anyone want that job?
Bailey wrote,
I'm tired of everyone saying the #49ers are done. Let them all get healthy and their act together then watch out.
Kaepernick 7 HATER wrote,
Mediocre mentality in #49ers offense #ninernation #FoxMailBag FIRE GREG ROMAN! FIRE JIM HARBAUGH! RELEASE #KRAPERNICK
I'm glad we ended this topic with someone rational. By the way, this person's Twitter handle is @kaepernick7Sux. And this hashtag garbage is getting out of #control. OK, enough 49ers talk for one week.

Moving on!
LA Rams Fan Zone wrote,
If the Rams beat the Cardinals Sunday, after beating 49ers & Seahawks, can we start a bandwagon for the Rams?
Only if the Rams move back to Los Angeles. I grew up in Pasadena and spent my formative years cheering for the Goats until that fateful day when that jezebel (look it up) moved the franchise to . . . St. Louis.
And then the Rams won the Super Bowl a few years later . . . in St. Louis.
And then my Dodgers were eliminated from the playoffs the last two years . . . by St. Louis.
Predictably, I'm not a huge fan of St. Louis. They've stolen too much from me and now it's time to get some payback. My fingers and toes are crossed that the Rams kick St. Louis to the curb and bring the party back to SoCal.
Now, that's a bandwagon I can climb aboard. I've already informed my Seahawks fan wife that if/when the Rams return, I'm turning my back on the Pacific Northwest.
Viva Los Angeles!
Isaiah wrote,
The Patriots are playing too perfectly and I'm concerned that I'm dreaming.
No, you're not dreaming. You're living in the rest of the country's personal hell. News flash to Patriots fans: Nobody likes you and your team.
Because we're all jealous. We're jealous that Tom Brady gets to sit in the pocket and fire darts on target all game. We're jealous that a team with no real stars outside of Brady and maybe Rob Gronkowski continues to find new and inventive ways to win.
We're jealous because players that were disruptive for 31 NFL teams can come to New England and miraculously get their crap together. We're jealous of your nice stadium. We're jealous of your great owner.
We're jealous every time you convert a third-and-long or erase a 24-point deficit. We're jealous that this franchise has remained relevant for years without fail. We're jealous that even in a season when Tom Brady blew out his knee, that Matt Cassel led them to an 11-5 record.
We're jealous of your leaves, when they turn that awesome color in the fall.
We're jealous of HAH-vahd. And MIT. And Quincy Market. Have you had the food there? It's amazing! We're jealous of your accents . . . that's right, they're wicked awesome.
So, maybe stop enjoying it so much, OK? And stop acting like the world is ending when you lose in the Super Bowl. Three titles and six total appearances not enough? You're not dreaming. Everything is going your way. Bravo. Now, get outta here. Thanks for the message though :)
Edward wrote,

Why must the titans choose cruddy qbs?
Do they? Let's turn to the most trusted source in America for information -- Wikipedia.
Well, the Titans had Steve McNair from 1997 to 2005 and he definitely wasn't a cruddy quarterback. But since then, the following quarterbacks have started:
Vince Young, Kerry Collins, Rusty Smith, Matt Hasselbeck, Jake Locker and Ryan Fitzpatrick.
That's quite the motley crew right there. Two of them -- Collins and Hasselbeck -- enjoyed their best days before arriving in Tennessee. Young never really got the fairest shake in the NFL, Rusty Smith is Rusty Smith and Jake Locker can never stay healthy.
That leaves us with Fitzpatrick. Yeah, he's been cruddy. But he went to HAHH-vahd!
Fernando wrote,
Is Mettenberger the solution for the Tennessee Titans?
Duh, I forgot about Zach Mettenberger! Thanks Wikipedia, you're completely useless.
It's too early to tell if he'll be the answer. He's only started one game and he managed to piss off J.J. Watt in the process. Let's just say he's not off to a promising start. However, let's give him some time.
Cruz wrote,
I'm disgruntled about the bad calls against the Raiders. I know they're not good team, but don't need refs 2 help opp.
I couldn't agree with you more. Nothing is worse than being a fan of and watching a terrible football team. There's already a lack of talent, hence the horrible record.
But it makes matters worse when you've got an overzealous officiating crew out there which is determined to follow the letter, rather than the spirit, of the rules. In military terms, it's a real chickens*** way to call a game.
MUST you call every illegal shift? MUST you flag every ticky-tack, neutral-zone infraction? MUST you enforce the five-yard chuck rule down to the centimeter? Can you just GIVE US A *&$%^*# BREAK?!!
Brendan wrote,
Do you think the Saints will win the South? Especially with two home division games left?
Man, that's a good question. Well, let's see . . . the Saints are in first place in the division with a 4-4 record. The rest of the division breaks down like this:

2. Panthers are 3-5-1.
3. Falcons at 2-6.
4. Buccaneers at 1-7.
Considering the Saints are the only team in the NFC South that isn't a complete dumpster fire, yeah, I think you're good.
Joshua wrote,
The Phildelphia Eagles have the potential to beat every team left on their schedule.
Oh, lovely. What a #HotSportsTake. I have the potential to cure every disease in the world. I won't do it, but the potential is there. See how useless potential is?
But yes, the Eagles have the "potential" to beat every team left on their schedule. They also have the potential to lose every game left on their schedule. What's gonna happen?
William wrote,
Every time I watch my Lions it feels like they are losing/lost even AFTER a win. Will the O come around?

That is so true. The Lions are somehow 6-2, even though there have been points during this season where it seems this team has never played football before.
How do you fall behind 21-0 to the Falcons? The Lions ended up winning that game, but that was more because the Falcons are awful. If this was the College Football Playoff, the Lions would be treated like BYU. Sure, you have a nice record, but there's a dearth of quality wins.
Thank God for that defense, right?
Turkey Joe wrote,
I'm concerned about Hoyer's performance past games, but I don't want to sound like a JFF fanboy. I just want to win
The second you dropped Johnny Manziel's name, you outed yourself as a fanboy. And don't you worry about Brian Hoyer, he's doing just fine. BriHoy has led the Browns to a 6-3 record. What more do you want?
But, since you have an awesome name, I'm going to give you a gift. For the first time in forever, I'm handing you the Golf Clap of the Week Award! Congrats, Turkey Joe!