Kyle Petty Charity Ride celebrates 20 years by going coast to coast

On Saturday afternoon, Kyle Petty and nearly 200 motorcyclists made rode into Daytona Beach, Fla. the final stop on the 20th Kyle Petty Charity Ride. The stop marked the end of a week-long trip that spanned coast to coast, creating memories and raising money for Victory Junction along the way.
Started in 1995, Petty's charity ride has grown leaps and bounds over the past 20 years, with the number of riders increasing each year and the routes hitting 48 of the 50 states.
This year, the ride began in Carlsbad, Calif then made stops in Las Cruces, N.M., Midland, Texas, Austin, Texas, Beaumont, Texas, New Orleans, La., Tallahassee, Fla., before ending in Daytona Beach.
The ride featured celebrity riders such as former NASCAR drivers Richard Petty and Harry Gant, FOX Sports personalities Rutledge Wood and Rick Allen, Texas Motor Speedway track president Eddie Gossage, and former NFL star Herschel Walker.
"What began as just a few friends having a good time riding track to track has turned into what we have today, which is an incredible event that provides thousands of life changing experiences for children," Petty said prior to the trip.
The money raised during the week-long trip goes to benefit Victory Junction, a camp set up in memory of Petty's son Adam. Over the years, the Kyle Petty Charity Ride has helped send more than 7,730 children to Victory Junction, at no cost to their parents.
If you would like to donate to Victory Junction, please visit:
Check out some of the best moment's from this week's trip:
Honoring our 20 year riders for their commitment to the Kyle Petty Charity Ride with commemorative 20…
— KylePettyCharityRide (@KPCharityRide) May 3, 2014
Celebrating 20 years with custom #kpcr20 @bell_powersports helmets for the riders who've been on every Ride!
— KylePettyCharityRide (@KPCharityRide) May 3, 2014
1st fuel stop for the @KPCharityRide in Westmorland,CA is in the books! @kylepetty waving goodbye! #KPCR20
— Rutledge Wood (@RutledgeWood) May 3, 2014
The good times keep on rollin! Cruising down I-8...Gila Bend #AZ, here we come!! #KPCR20
— KylePettyCharityRide (@KPCharityRide) May 3, 2014
Look who's here @KPCharityRide !! It's @RickAllenracing ! @Kylepetty #KPCR20
— Rutledge Wood (@RutledgeWood) May 4, 2014
Goodnight! Wonderful Day 2, traveling from Tucson to Las Cruces. We'll see you tom., @visitmidland! @pilottravel
— KylePettyCharityRide (@KPCharityRide) May 5, 2014
Checking out Tombstone with 200 of my closest friends. Their dedication never ceases to amaze me! #KPCR20
— Kyle Petty (@kylepetty) May 4, 2014
Look who came to say hello! It's @kylepetty ! Having a blast on @KPCharityRide #KPCR20
— Rutledge Wood (@RutledgeWood) May 5, 2014
Check out the @CocaColaRacing side car. We're happy to have them back for the 20th anniversary Ride! #kpcr20
— Kyle Petty (@kylepetty) May 4, 2014
Ladies and gentlemen, the Handsome Harry Gant, headed to Tucson, Ariz. with the #KPCR20 #NASCAR
— KylePettyCharityRide (@KPCharityRide) May 3, 2014
Now there's a good lookin' Charity Rider! The one and only, Geoff Bodine! #NASCAR
— KylePettyCharityRide (@KPCharityRide) May 5, 2014
Bikes of all colors, shapes, sizes and personalities make up the #KPCR20 crew! Carlsbad, NM we're headed your way...
— KylePettyCharityRide (@KPCharityRide) May 5, 2014
He's always photo bombing me! @KPCharityRide #KPCR20
— Rick Allen (@RickAllenracing) May 6, 2014
Having too much fun with these @VictoryJunction campers! It's amazing to meet so many families along the way. #KPCR20
— KylePettyCharityRide (@KPCharityRide) May 9, 2014
A little windshield reminder of why we ride... cc@victoryjunction
— KylePettyCharityRide (@KPCharityRide) May 6, 2014
Thanks @EddieGossage for the helmet loan! We be cruising ! @kylepetty @kpcharityride #KpCR20 live bike tweeting
— Rutledge Wood (@RutledgeWood) May 6, 2014
Means a lot to have the support of these two #NASCAR legends for #KPCR20. @KPCharityRide #TheKing #HarryGant
— Kyle Petty (@kylepetty) May 6, 2014
Enjoyed spending time with Sean, a @VictoryJunction camper, at a @KPCharityRide pit stop! The reason we ride! #kpcr20
— Kyle Petty (@kylepetty) May 8, 2014
That's @KylePetty & The King having a great time @KPCharityRide Heading to Austin,TX! My last stop :( #KPCR20
— Rutledge Wood (@RutledgeWood) May 6, 2014
It's been real New Orleans, but we got our first ocean-to-ocean tour to complete. Onto Tallahassee! @kpcharityride
— Kyle Petty (@kylepetty) May 9, 2014
Amazing to see @victoryjunction campers everywhere we go on the @kpcharityride! #kpcr20
— Kyle Petty (@kylepetty) May 9, 2014
Ocean to ocean, we made it! The 20th anniversary @KPCharityRide is in the books! #kpcr20
— Kyle Petty (@kylepetty) May 10, 2014
Sand from the Atlantic and the Pacific! First ocean-to-ocean tour in Charity Ride history is complete!…
— KylePettyCharityRide (@KPCharityRide) May 10, 2014