Even next to two boxing greats, Yao Ming is still tall
In case someone hasn't figured it out already, Yao Ming is very tall.
In fact, as the NBA's tallest active player at the time of his retirement, all of his fellow active and retired basketball stars (with the exception of just two) have to take a rare look upwards to have a conversation with the former Rockets center.
So naturally, boxing stars Manny Pacquiao at 5' 7" and Brandon Rios at 5' 8" are going to have some fun in a photo op with the big man.
But Yao, who takes up nearly the whole height of the frame with just his upper body, doesn't look particularly amused in this addition of "Yao Ming is taller than everyone" starring Pacquiao and Rios.
Of course, this isn't even near the first time Yao, who stands at 7' 6", has popped up in a photo with shorter athletes and Hollywood stars since coming to the United States in 2002 after getting drafted by the Houston Rockets. So maybe, from the looks of his face, he might be getting a little tired of hearing he is nearly two feet taller than the average height of most men.